Funicular Project
International workshops programme
Training Project on Puppetry and Animated Forms
Funicular Project: a training program of CAMa - Centro de Artes da Marioneta | A Tarumba of international workshops designed for professionals selected on the basis of their curriculum and experience.
The inscription is international and due to the selection of the trainers and trainees, combines puppetry with other art forms. The contemporary puppet theatre combines many manipulation techniques or artistic fields. The traditional manipulation techniques are reinvented. The puppeteer must know how to control and manipulate both his body and voice, and, simultaneously, taking advantage of the diversity and aesthetic freedoms from puppetry and animated forms.
At the end of each workshop are usually organised presentations of the final works.
The first set of workshops was held in 2010, with Stephen Mottram and Agnès Limbos, two very important creators in contemporary puppetry and objects theatre.
In November 2011 took place the workshop held by the American Jim Kroupa, one of the most famous and prestigious puppeteer and puppet builder who has worked on several Muppet projects on building mechanisms for puppets.
In 2012 took place the workshops “Creating theatre for young audiences: light and movement” directed by Francesca Sorgato and Flop Lefebvre; and “Behind the screen: introduction to shadow and to the shadow theatre” directed by Fabrizio Montecchi, from Teatro Gioco Vita, one of the great masters of contemporary shadow theatre.
In 2013 during the FIMFA Lx13 -International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms, took place the workshop "The Body and the Object", directed by Agnès Limbos and Nicole Mossoux, allowing simultaneously a glimpse into the creative work of these two artists, with the presentation of their shows. The workshop aims at crossing two creative worlds: that of the Theatre-Dance of Nicole Mossoux, choreographer and director of the Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté, in which the scenic presence generates a world of suggestion and wherein the spectator is invited to project him or herself, with the world of Agnès Limbos, actress and director of the Compagnie Gare Centrale, in which we are led to the very borders of archetypal fantasy, through the various significations an object may embody beyond its common daily function.
In November 2014 took place the workshop held by the Swedish Thomas Lundqvist, who is regarded as the European greatest specialist in Bunraku.
In 2015 took place the workshops “Body, Puppet and Manipulation: Human Body - Human Doll” led by Antje Töpfer and created by Iris Meinhardt, “Moving Image in Space” led by Kalle Nio and “Video, Puppets and Objects in Performance” led by Gavin Glover.
In 2016 took place during FIMFA Lx16 the workshop “Apparition: Creation of a Life-Sized Puppet, directed by Natacha Belova, and in October 2016, "Introduction to Full Mask. Creating Puppet Characters. An Approach to Object Manipulation", directed by Claire Dancoisne - Théâtre La Licorne.
In 2017 took place the workshops "The Actor and the Double Presence in Puppet Theatre" directed by Yngvild Aspeli; and "From Prop to Protagonist led by Rene Baker.
In 2018 Agnès Limbos directed the workshop "Object Theatre" during FIMFA Lx18 and Jimmy Grimes directed the workshop "Giving Life to Puppets: Manipulation and Direction".
In 2019, Marta Cuscunà & Paola Villani directed the workshop "We Like to Move it, Move it! Research and experimentation in Puppetry and Animated Forms; and Julian Crouch directed the workshop "Animating the Inanimate: Exploring Everyday Materials and Objects".
* F u n i c u l a r
a bodily structure suggesting a cord; a conducting cord, as a nerve cord or umbilical cord.