Masterclass Physical and Poetic Theatre - Sicaire Durieux
SÃO LUIZ TEATRO MUNICIPAL - Sala Bernardo Sassetti
28 de maio from 11am to 1pm (Sun)

For: All kinds of participants, from the age of 18 years old
Number of participants: 15
Language: English
Fee: 5€
Deadline for applications: 26 May (Thu)
Admittance in order of registration after payment.
The registration is made by the duly filled application form in Google Forms or in doc file - in this case it must be send to:
⇨ Registration is no longer possible because the maximum number of participants has been reached.
Alongside the presentation of the performance Dimanche in FIMFA Lx23, and that will be on stage from 26th to 28th of May at Teatro São Luiz, the artist Sicaire Durieux from Cie Chaliwaté invites you to discover the fundamental principles of gestural theatre, the bases specific to the arts of mime and gesture. Through simple exercises, you will approach the musicality of the movement, the precision of the gesture, the game with the invisible, the fixed point and the mobile point, the different types of movement, but also isolation, and dissociation, rhythm work linked to burlesque acting and metamorphoses.
This initiation is based on the teachings of Etienne Decroux, Marcel Marceau and Jacques Lecoq.
Open to all types of participants, starting at 18 years old, as long as they are willing to take part fully in this masterclass.
“The gesture is for us a unique way to create evocative, suggestive and metaphorical images. We share within the Cie Chaliwaté the same vision of theatre: poetic, physical, visual and artisanal, playing with comedy in the tragic. We like to start from daily situations, from everyday life to talk about social issues that affect us. From the start, we have been drawn to this form of theatre that can travel around the world.”

Sicaire Durieux is an actor, director and co-artistic director of Cie Chaliwaté, which he created in 2005 with Sandrine Heyraud. The artistic work of the Cie Chaliwaté is nourished by many different manners of approaching the mime art to create physical and visual shows. Since they worked on their first show Joséphina in 2009, they have continued to expand and enrich their stage writing and creative process, constantly looking for new perspectives, taking part in workshops and collaborating with other artists from different theatrical genres. They have won several prizes. They create Îlo in 2011 and then collaborate with Loïc Faure (Jongloic Company) to create the show Jetlag. They work in association with the Focus Company (Julie Tenret) since 2017 with whom they create Backup (short form) and Dimanche (long form). Jetlagwas nominated at the Prix de la Critique 2016 (Belgium) in the category Best Circus Show.
The participants should bring:
● Movement-clothes for hands-on exercises.