International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms
18 May to 4 June 2023- Lisbon
In a world turned upside down, FIMFA is back with an edition of contrasts!
Hyper-realistic puppets, life-size polar bears, objects, miniature theatres and paper cities, Super 8 films activated by the spectators' legs in a sensual and highly pedal-powered device, fingers dancing in scenographies projected onto a big screen, shadows or lights that seem to have a life of their own... in other words, FIMFA has arrived - where things come to life!
It is the peculiar gift of the puppeteer to live is life among inanimate objects (...), to be alert to the demands for life that may come
from the most ordinary of objects, and to know how to treat them, opening up a space in which they can speak, or to reanimate
what once spoke with a different voice.
- Kenneth Gross
A Tarumba - Teatro de Marionetas produces in Lisbon, from 18th May to 4th June, the 23rd edition of FIMFA Lx - International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms, with artistic direction by Luís Vieira and Rute Ribeiro.
In the year in which A Tarumba celebrates its 30th anniversary, we prepared a super vitaminic complex of unique artists and proposals, which combine aesthetics and genres that leads to a reflection on our world, presenting some of the most important work that has been done in this area, in a project open to all generations.
An edition that starts from the micro to the macro, beginning with a special set of small form shows. Actors, dancers, puppeteers or musicians, whether on stage or in surprising devices, alone or in groups, with miniatures or giant structures, mix forms, blow up the norms and manage to build universes from any kind of object or material.
The diversity of puppetry, hybrid art without borders, will be present through artists who share their vision of the world and seek to develop new languages, from the relationships between the body, the object and the image, of materials in movement, sound and projected images, in a path marked by discovery, experimentation and sharing - the puppet as a mean of seeing and thinking the world with another gaze!
For 18 days Lisbon becomes again the international platform for puppetry and animated forms, with the presentation of about twenty projects from renowned companies and creators, and new values, most of them in their Portuguese premieres, from several countries: Germany, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Israel, Lebanon and Portugal. In addition to the presentation of shows, a number of parallel activities are developed, which include workshops, films and meetings with artists, among others.
Highlighting also the project funded by the European Union: IMPULSE! New Focus on Puppetry and Visual Theatre, with three partners from Finland, Lithuania and Portugal: Aura of Puppets, Kosmos Theatre and A Tarumba. This project aims to promote contemporary puppetry and visual theatre, supporting the creation, training and circulation of European works and artists.
FIMFA Lx is an artistic project, open to new tendencies, of international dimension presenting an artistic and technical high-level programme, with a very contemporary point of view. A multidisciplinary project committed since 2001 to the promotion, dissemination, knowledge and visibility of Puppetry and Animated Forms.
Welcome to FIMFA!