Ariel Doron (Israel-Germany)
19 and 20 May at 7.30pm (Fri, Sat)
Portuguese Premiere
Special Opening FIMFA Lx23
⇨ TICKETS ONLINE Tickets: 6€ to 12€ (with discounts) The ticket is valid for the two shows. +info
Technique: Object theatre Language: Blanche Neige - French, with Portuguese subtitles // Boxed - without words
Age guidance: +8 Runs: 20 min. + 25 min (45 min. approx.)
Two unique short forms shows in one night - Boxed is presented together with Blanche Neige.
What's That? Is it Me? Is it a You? Is this Real? Or just a Joke? It's time we open The Box!
Please close it. I'm scared.
The long awaited new Solo Piece by Ariel Doron, Boxed, in which he goes another step into minimalism, and creates a fascinating short story using only a shoebox.
Boxed deftly plays with a fundamental question in puppetry: Who’s really in charge? The puppet or the manipulator? Ariel Doron has created an emotional, funny, sensitive and scary fantasy about a lonely man trying to get in touch with himself and the world.

“But what a story! Without any words, it is a theate of gestures, only visual (…). Behind an extraordinary amount of madness, the show is constructed with great care (…). A very beautiful, unexpected and even refreshing proposal. In short: a show to discover!”
-Marthieu Dochtermann, Toute la Culture
“A great specialist in object theatre (…). Amusing and humorous at first, in an almost naive and frankly clownish register, the device soon proves to be disturbing. The puppet, as we know, can turn against its manipulater. Ariel Doron revisits the ‘possession’ genre, with devastating humor and gore, rich in minimalism, with hilarious inventiveness. Rigorously delusional.”
-Marie Baudet, La Libre

Ariel is a puppeteer, director and performer. In his work, he uses very little text and a lot of playfulness, often dealing with hard social and political subjects.
Each project is created with a puppetry or performance discipline that best suits, with the hope to always expand and question in the media in which it’s created, and with a desire to inspire viewers to feel, think and react. His solo shows such as Boxed, Plastic Heroes and Pinhas have been invited to festivals and theatres in over 30 countries worldwide.
Currently living in Germany, Ariel also directs shows for theatres and has collaborated with institutions such as Schauburg Theater München, Theater Junge Generation Dresden, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, The Elbphilharmonie and Opera in Hamburg, among others. He also teaches and is invited to give lectures and masterclasses in institutions such as Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart, UQAM Université de Québec Montréal, Central School of Speech & Drama, London and more.
Ariel also animates puppets for dozens of Television & Cinema productions, such as Sesame Street Israel, where he plays the beloved character Elmo.
He graduated Cinema studies (B.A) in Tel Aviv University, studied puppetry classes in the School of Visual Theatre, Jerusalem, and participated in several masterclasses in the Institute International de la Marionnette, Charleville-Mézières.
In Pandemic times he directed object theatre workshops and he created two shows especially for the internet format Kitchen Games and Alarm in the petting Zoo(m), has created light installations for a single viewer and wrote Do Not Open! - an interactive book/performance.
At FIMFA Lx18 we could see his creativity in theshow Plastic Heroes and he directed an online workshop on the Funicular Project during FIMFA Lx21.

Creation and performer: Ariel Doron Dramaturgy: Tobias Tönjes Artistic advisers: Shahar Marom, Florian Feisel, Roni Nelken Mosenson Outside eye and counseling: Clara Pallau Herrero, Aurélie Strohmaier, Sanni Lotzch, Mai Aylon, Sharon Gabay, Joachim Fleischer, Jan Jedenak, Frederike Miller, Sarah Chaudon, Gerda Knoche, Gildas Coustier, Marius Moses, Ari Teperberg, Inbal Yomtovian, Charlotte Wilde, Michael Vogel, Laila Betterman, Christiane Guhr, Nane Rotfuchs, Sabine Köhler, Heiki Ikkola Photography: André Wirsig, Aurélie Storhmaier Coproduction: Erlangen Figurentheater Festival, Hanut 31 Theatre Gallery, Tel Aviv, FITZ! Figurentheater Zentrum, Stuttgart Technique: Object theatre Language: Without word Runs: Approx. 25 min.