TANGRAM Kollektiv (Germany-France)



LU.CA - Teatro Luís de Camões

25 and 26 May at 10.30am and 2.30pm (Thu, Fri) - Schools

27 and 28 May at 11.30am and 4.30pm (Sat, Sun) - Families

Portuguese Premiere


⇨ TTICKETS ONLINE     Tickets: Schools 3€ <18 // 1€ Schools TEIP // Families 3€ < 18 | 7€ > 18  +info

Technique: Shadow theatre Language: Without words Age guidance: +4 Runs: 35 min.


A fascinating and amusing journey to discover the secret world of shadows.


Whether we like it or not, darkness and light go hand in hand, it's clear to everyone. But what happens when the shadows suddenly take their independence? They multiply at will, free themselves from the laws of physics and make light their own shadow. After staying in the background for too long, the shadows are now in the limelight and lots of mischief ensues! Would the door to another world have been opened?


Three white Canvases are creating a room and space for projections. Inside the Chamber, a table, a small Piano, some objects and two flashlights. Suddenly the light changes and two puppetry players lead us on suprising paths into the magical universe of shadows. Laws of Physics dont apply, expectations are crossed.

Shadows entering through the backdoor and stealing our Stuff! Everyday object shadows are running wild for their own little dance of freedom. They are getting bigger, and smaller, they split and they merge. Even the Puppeteers Shadows multiply and are creating a dialogue. Shadows become whatever they imagined to be. shadows become bodies, bodies become shadows and than for a second being alone feels a lot less lonely.


A Sombra das Coisas [Schattenwerfer] isn't your everyday Shadow Piece. Its about the relationship and the dialogue between a Shadow and his Body, and questions playfully the hierarchy of this relation. It sharpens our view for these black strange things that follow us everywhere and sticks to our feet like gum, that we cant run aways from even if we are super fast.


An ode to the power of Imagination!


Prizes and nominations
-Fox Award for Innovation in Puppetry 2020 - HIP Festival Hvammstangi, Iceland.
-Nominated for Festival des Theaters für junges Publikum Augenblick mal! 2021 (DE), Fritz-Wortelmann 2021 (DE) and Grünschnabel 2022 - Aargauer Förderpreis für junges Figurentheater, Figura Theaterfestival Baden (CH).

"All of this is taking place on a dark stage and is that fascinating, that no child is scaredly screaming for its mother. The Production of Tangram- Kollektiv, with Tobias Tönjes as Dramaturg, is an explosion of Ideas, humor and suprises [...]. That these fascinating playful images have a second layer is commented by a 10 year old boy after heavy premiere ovations: 'As a shadow you cant decide your life for yourself.'"
-Brigitte Jähningen, Stuttgarter Zeitung


"The production of this young collective (...) plays impressively with the means and possibilities of shadow theatre, takes up the experiences of children who have always been fascinated by shadows and explores new ways of telling a funny and sweet little story. The means and themes used are systematically implemented and used in a playful, imaginative and often surprising way."
-Sybille Hirzel, Diretora artística do Festival Internacional de Teatro de Sombras Schwäbisch Gmünd


TANGRAM Kollektiv is a young Franco-German collective composed by six artists who met during their studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart (HMDK). Their work focuses on the exploration of materials and objects, and the research of new experimental and performative forms, around the puppetry arts. They are structured like an expandable tangram (a Chinese game composed of seven pieces). In each project, its members find a new way of working and regularly collaborate with other artists.


Sarah Chaudon - Sarah Chaudon is a french-german puppeteer who graduated at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (HMDK) in Stuttgart. Her works are based around Germany and France. She is part of the TANGRAM Kollectiv and is working with multiple companies including Figurenkombinat and TARTproduktion. At the moment she is working with Coline Ledoux on her new Solo „Al Dente“.

Clara Palau y Herrero - Freelance Puppetry artist residing at Wagenhallen Stuttgart. Clara studied Theatrical-science and art History at the JGU Mainz (B.A 2014) and Puppetry at the HMDK Stuttgart and IT Barcelona (B.A. 2018). Her latest Pieces "Schattenwerfer“ and WÄNDE. She works as a guest-performer including the Schauburg München and the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg/Staatsoper Hamburg.

Tobias Tönjes - Tobias Tönjes graduated in Theatrical science and Philosophy from Johannes Gutenberg-Unversity Mainz. For 2015/2016 he worked as an directors assistant at Schauspielbühnen Stuttgart. Tobias freelanced as a direcotrs assistent at Wilhelma Theater, Staatstheater Stuttgart, Theater Rampe and Backsteinhaus Produktion. As a Dramaturg he worked on Pieces from Backsteinhaus Produktion, Ariel Doron, and the Tangram Kollektiv.




Idea: Sarah Chaudon, Clara Palau y Herrero, Tobias Tönjes Performers and construction: Sarah Chaudon, Clara Palau y Herrero Dramaturgy, outside eye and technical direction: Tobias Tönjes Photography: Christopher Buehler, Juanjo, Florian Feisel, Tobias Tönjes Coproduction: Figurentheater Osnabrück Support: Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg, FITZ! Zentrum für Figurentheater
