Agnès Limbos - Cie Gare Centrale (Belgium)
Petites Fables
12, 13 and 14 May at 7pm (Wed, Thu, Fri)
Portuguese Premiere
⇨ TICKETS ONLINE Tickets: 6€ to 10€ (with discounts) +info
Technique: Object theatre Language: Some words in English, French and Spanish Ages guidance: +8 Runs: 50 min.
Four small fables that are like a travel diary. Imaginary tales which take place in different countries. Strong images illustrate the state of the world: "Here, everything is fine. But over there... I don't know. But with me, here, everything is fine." The renowned Agnès Limbos, the popess of object theatre, returns to FIMFA and shows us her wild universe, where she has brought together fantasy and reality, social criticism, tragedy and humor for over 30 years. An object theatre to taste with satisfaction.
Each country has its own style. Each country has its own small fable.
A journey into the miniature world. The story of an elephant in Africa captured for a circus; the story of a woman and a man who love each other in a large concrete city, which will soon be destroyed; the story of Arturo in Spain, in love with María, a young girl cloistered by a very severe mother; the story of rabbits that flee from a hunter and seek refuge with a deer in the Alps: but what will happen if the deer does not hear a knock?... For Agnès Limbos, a table mounted on wheels is enough to offer to young people and adults an image of today's world, full of humor and without compromise.
When things get out of control a big knife is 'planted' on the table with a gesture of anger, while small hearts vibrate in moments of happiness. Wherever one sees that the hunters are without scruples. That they are often armed with a knife. That this knife serves to cut, divide. That a cut always leaves a trace. That this trace does not hinder the sun from shining. That when the sun shines, hearts swell. That these hearts thus swollen have much strength. That this force can serve to be cunning. To be cunning with the hunters. Who are often arme. Armed with a knife which serves to divide. A show that reaches our hearts with its very sharp knives.
Petites Fables was created in 1998 and plays a special role in object theatre, maintaining its relevance more than ever.
Special Mention by the Jury Prize 1998 at the Rencontres Theatre Jeune Public, Huy; Love-at-First-Sight from the press 1998, Rencontres Theatre Jeune Public, Huy; Nominated for the Blikfelderprijs in Zurich, 2000.

"Pursuing his approach to object manipulation at a table of social vivisection, Agnès Limbos gives with all her heart, dynamizing the ideas received, using the cruel trace of dark humor to denounce our inconsistencies, our stupidity, our cowardice. All with the playful joy of a cheeky child who likes to jump in puddles, get dirty with paint, to transform the most stereotyped toys into heroes of delusional epics."
-Vers l’Avenir
“True to her miniature worlds, Agnès Limbos manipulates her little fables like a knife thrower.
The target: our hearts that she makes to bleed with happiness!”
-Le Soir
“In four uncompromising tales, Agnès Limbos paints a portrait of today's world. Humor overcomes drama, cruelty combines with obvious wisdom.”
-Le Courriet de l’Escaut

Agnès Limbos is regarded as “the popess of object theatre” for her singular work. She was born in Huy, Belgium, in 1952, and spent part of her childhood in Africa. She discovered the miniature objects given away with Bonux washing powder. She studied Political Sciences and Philosophy, but she preferred the streets of the world to the University. Agnès began a personal journey that led her to the École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq in Paris from 1977 to 1979, to Mexico, from 1980 to 1982, and founded the company Gare Centrale in Brussels in 1984. Through the company's performances and collaborations, Agnés Limbos attempts to make quality People's Theatre, full of feelings, beginning with an understanding of the universe's contradictions, fantasy/reality, tragedy/comedy, the power of instinct, and the search for an ever-evolving visual and corporeal language. In short, to create living, entertaining, touching and convivial performances. From 2002 to 2008, in partnership with the Théâtre de la Balsamine, she organised an international festival around the object theatre in Brussels, in the form of a biennial event. Her shows have been seen in numerous theatre festivals and have been presented in over 25 countries. She works as a writer, actor, director, teacher and mentors young creators throughout their artistic process.
Her shows have been presented several times at FIMFA and she has directed three workshops in the frame of Funicular Project, an international training programme organized by A Tarumba.

Creation, direction and performer: Agnès Limbos With the precious collaboration of: Françoise Bloch Support for building the set - props and technician for the premiere: Guy Thérache Assistant technician for the premiere: Antoine Clette Support in the construction of the props and sewing: Véronique Gihoul Costumes: Françoise Colpé Photography: Alice Piemme, Guy Thérache Technician: Nicolas Thill Acknowledgements: Didier Caffonnette, Natacha Belova, Mark Elst, Eddy Kreptowski, Anne-Marie Loop, Olindo Bolzan, Marie Kateline Rutten, Alain Moreau, Didier de Neck, Isabelle De Busschère, Samy, Joachim // Festival Des Pieds et des Mains de Genappe, La Courte Échelle de Liège, Centre Nerveux d’Ottignies, Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon