Madalena Marques (Portugal)
15 May at 11am (Sat) | 16 May at 11am and 3pm (Sun)
⇨ TICKETS ONLINE Tickets: 2€ +info
Technique: Objects Language: Portuguese Age guidance: 3 to 10 years old Runs: Approx. 60 min.
It is clearly known that in any theatre strange and amazing things happen, sometimes inexplicable. At São Luiz, shoes appear and disappear. And, whenever they stand out from the sight of those who see them, it is to unveil stories of people who passed by the Theatre. They look shy and if the noise is too loud it gives them the rope and they start walking. There are those who have seen them through the foyer, stage or régie, in the corridor, in the dressing rooms and even on the ceiling, at the ticket office or in the elevator.
Since the 2016/2017 season, São Luiz has provided the youngest (and not only…) with this guided tour-show that unveils stories of São Luiz. Going through various corners of the theatre, we can come across the shoes of a wonderful French actress, a very provocative Portuguese actor, Mr. Luiz himself or the projectionist. Since the 2019/2020 season, in a new version of the show, the footprints of a famous futurist who also manifested himself here, and also those of those who, behind the scenes, help every day the set up of the shows. Which of these will we have the fortune to see, only on the day we will know.

Madalena looks up and down a lot, sometimes to contemplate architecture, sometimes to manipulate small objects. She has a particular taste for retracing real stories and for this reason, through the object theatre she has created performances of a documentary nature.
The most recent are Os Sapatos do Sr. Luiz, which appear and disappear in different places to tell us stories of São Luiz Teatro Municipal and O Homem das Mil Moradas, which takes us to travel through episodes in the life of the collector Calouste Gulbenkian. Both produced by Casa Invisível, of which Madalena is co-founder.
As a performer she has the particular task of interacting with images of her size to tell the origin of the Universe in 30 minutes, in the show Impossível, by Catarina Sobral.
She has become increasingly interested in the moving image and has therefore decided to take a course on Documentary Cinema.
In this year of 2021 she co-built BecaBeca, a platform of digital content for children.

Research and concept: Madalena Marques, Susana Pires Performer and mediation: Madalena Marques or Sofia Cabrita Props: Ângela Rocha, Lydia Neto e Toninho Neto Executive production: Casa Invisível Comissioned by: São Luiz Teatro Municipal Photography: Estelle Valente / São Luiz Teatro Municipal