Teatro de Ferro & Teatro de Marionetas do Porto (Portugal)
Maiakovski - O Regresso do Futuro
21 and 22 May at 8pm (Fri, Sat)
⇨ TICKETS ONLINE Tickets: 12€ a 15€ (with discounts) +info
Technique: Mixed Language: Portuguese Age guidance: +16 Runs: Approx. 50 min.
In this co-creation between Teatro de Ferro and Teatro de Marionetas do Porto, the companies worked together to build a time machine in which an attempt is made to resurrect the great poet Maiakovski somewhere in an alternative timeline. To the inhabitants of that time of the machine we will call Os do Futuro [From the future].
At that time-of- the-theatre, an experimental program of human resurrection is underway. Maiakovski is one of the humans of the past that Os do Futuro wish to meet. Involved in this theatre-of-time, the poet of the revolution finds himself caught in one of his favorite traps. Things get complicated, but Os do Futuro do not give up on their design, as Maiakovski's poetry and theatre are full of messages that they assumed were addressed to them.
Through this fiction, perhaps unscientific and inhabited by actors and puppets, we will (re) animate some objects in the complex universe of Vladimir Maiakovski: images, poems and fragments of pieces from his theater machine. Artifacts in which we discovered some unmistakable traits of this author: the deliberate break with traditional structures and the systematic (although not always peaceful) dialogue between political activism, love desire, the work of poetry and a kind of constant exchange of correspondence with the future.

Teatro de Ferro was founded in 1999, with artistic direction by Carla Veloso and Igor Gandra. The choice of the name - Teatro de Ferro (Iron Theatre) - implies a notion of primordial, resistant and at the same time changeable matter: this transformation process continues to inspire them. The work of the Company has been developed in the theatre of, and with, puppets and objects. They conceive their practice in the logic of a research in which the puppet has assumed a matrix value in its possible hybridations, both tempted and tempting. The relationships - of the body interpreter with the manipulated object and the implication of each spectator in the building of this relation - are lines of thought that are transversal to the artistic practice of Teatro de Ferro. The company has the support of Ministério da Cultura, Direção-Geral das Artes, since 2003.
Teatro de Marionetas do Porto was founded in 1988. The company’s theatrical practice represent extremely diverse experiences in the contemporary puppet theatre, looking to find new concepts and new ways of regarding the interpretation and the relationship with other areas of creation. Presently, the TMP is engaged in a major project, the Puppet Museum of Oporto, opened in 2013 and in 2016 the company set Pólo das Marionetas/Quinta de Bonjoia where they have been working on social integration with local communities.

Text: Vladimir Maiakovski Direction, set design and sound design: Igor Gandra Artistic support: Isabel Barros Translation and dramaturgical support: Regina Guimarães Puppets and objects: Eduardo Mendes, Igor Gandra, João Pedro Trindade Percussions: João Pais Filipe Mixing and Mastering: José Arantes Performers: Carla Veloso, Eduardo Mendes, Micaela Soares, Rui Oliveira, Vítor Gomes Lighting design: Filipe Azevedo Plastic production and construction workshop: Eduardo Mendes, Filipe Azevedo, João Pedro Trindade, Mário Gandra Rui Oliveira, Carlota Gandra, Catarina Lopes Press office: João Arezes Executive production: Carla Veloso, Sofia Carvalho Photography: Susana Neves Co-creation: Teatro de Ferro and Teatro de Marionetas do Porto Coproduction: FITEI 2021 Companies sponsored by: República Portuguesa - Ministério da Cultura | DGArtes